Can An Unmarked Police Car Pull You Over For Speeding? In New York, The Answer Is Yes

Picture this: You’re driving on the Interstate in New York. Maybe you’re running late for work. Maybe you were trying to pass that tractor-trailer, or the car that honked at you earlier. All of a sudden, red and blue lights appear behind you, which doesn’t make sense, because you looked around for police cars, and there were none. Instead, there’s an unmarked silver Dodge Durango pulling you over for speeding.

Recent sightings of unmarked SUV’s reportedly pulling people over prompted questions about whether unmarked cars can pull someone over for vehicle or traffic violations — and how to know it’s not someone with an Amazon-purchased light bar impersonating an officer.

Selected excerpt(s) and linked article courtesy of H. Rose Schneider, TimesUnion(dot)com
Royalty-free photo courtesy of Pixabay

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